24 2024年9月

分 学生 Are Not on Their Own When it Comes to Seeking Internships and Jobs

Kristoff Ayala-Strachan, a senior at Saint Augustine’s University (分) majoring in political science, learned last spring about a summer internship opportunity with 罗利市 through an email from the Professional Development and Career 服务 Center (PDCSC). He 快速应用. Later, he went to a Career Fair sponsored by the PDCSC and noticed recruiters from the city there.

“They told me about this internship, and I said I already had applied, and they were like, ‘What?’”斯特拉肯回忆道. “And they went on their laptop and said, ‘Oh, you do 有申请吗.’ ”

斯特拉肯得到了实习机会. He spent the summer of 2024 helping with a drive to convert the city’s vehicle fleets from gas to electric and educate city employees about the new vehicles.

挪亚惠勒, a senior majoring in computer information systems, was eager to land an internship with 情景应用程序, one of the nation’s leading computer software companies. She was ready when she saw a 情景应用程序 recruiter at a Career Fair – thanks to the PDCSC.

“Having a Career Closet and Dress for Success lets us know how to present ourselves so when we do get those interviews, 我们可以展现最好的自己,”她说。. 这些项目, 由PDCSC运作, provide students with professional attire at no cost and coach them on how to present themselves as a professional.

惠勒得到了情景应用程序的实习机会. She spent the summer of 2024 as a technical support intern. Her responsibilities included helping college professors nationwide navigate the company’s software.

如果需要全村人才能成功, 俗话说得好, count the Professional Development and Career 服务 Center as a crucial part of 分’s village. It’s probably no accident when students land summer internships or good jobs after graduation. The PDCSC has several programs to help students transition to the working world.

“总体目标,米歇尔·约翰逊解释道, PDCSC主任, “is to prepare students to be work leaders and to be driving forces in whatever company or internship where they choose to work.”

The PDCSC does not do it alone; churches donated clothes for the Career Closet and Dress for Success programs. Another service the center offers is mock interviews conducted with representatives of local companies who come to 分 to volunteer their time helping students. The mock interviews are taped and later critiqued.

The PDCSC also helps students prepare resumes and offers one-on-one counseling.

The PDCSC tries to get students to “invest in themselves and to remember that presentation is everything,” Ms. 约翰逊说.

The university gets pretty good buy-in from local companies and students themselves. 上一届招聘会于9月9日举行. 19 at Shaw University in collaboration with that institution, attracted 60 organizations ready to interview 分 and Shaw students, 包括杜克健康, 红色的帽子, 美国.S. 环境保护署, 罗利市, 茱莉安清晨里, and several state agencies and universities.

Participation from students in PDCSC activities is close to 100 percent, Ms. 约翰逊说.

In the Summer of 2024, the PDCSC documented 39 students gaining summer internships. In addition to 情景应用程序 and 罗利市, companies where they worked included 迪斯尼, 美国.S. 能源部, 富国银行, 德勤, 著名的会计师事务所, ,美敦力公司, the multinational healthcare technology company.

分 honored students recently with Oscars Achievement Awards – our version – for their accomplishments this past summer.

Associate Vice President of Global Marketing and Communications Demarcus Williams highlighted the awards in a recent edition of Bird’s Eye View – 分’s online news and information show. “We want to acknowledge the achievement of more than 20 students who worked at several major corporations as well as local and state government jobs,威廉姆斯说. “The purpose of this is to highlight the importance of students using the services at the Professional Development and Career 服务 Center.”

Wheeler and Strachan represented Oscar award winners on the Bird’s Eye View show. 惠勒是74号th Miss 分, and Strachan is the president of the Student Government Association.

Both said they made the most of their opportunities. Wheeler said she was selected to participate in an internal log analysis, 情景应用程序的一个重要项目. Strachan was chosen to introduce guest speakers at one event.

Strachan recalled the day 罗利市 interns introduced themselves at the beginning of the summer. Although all the other students were from larger, 更知名的机构, 他没有被吓倒.

“ ‘I’m from the historic downtown university, Saint Augustine’s,’ ” he recalls saying. “我要证明一个观点. 我和在场的其他人一样滔滔不绝. I may not come from a school with the numbers or the resources of other schools, 但我仍能有所贡献.”

点击这里 for more information about PDCSC activities, or contact Michele Johnson at rmjohnson@techgyaani.com.

The list of summer internships for 分 students in 2024 is below.


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